Transport Complex by Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Has Obtained a Certificate of Compliance With the Safety Requirements!
Certification works were being carried out at uSky Test & Certification Centre occupying an area of 28 hectares in Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park, UAE. uSky Transport was founded for demonstration and trial operation of innovative transport and infrastructure technologies being embodied by the parent engineering company Unitsky String Technologies (Minsk, Republic of Belarus).
TUV SW Standardization Certification has issued Certificate of Conformity in support of the safety of uSky innovative transport infrastructure solutions being comprised of:
- track structure (prestressed string-rail transport overpass);
- uPod (steel wheel electric vehicle with automated control system);
- anchor supports (combined with stations);
- intermediate supports;
- passenger station;
- service station (including control room and workshop).
The strategic objective of uSky Transport established in the UAE is ensuring maximum safety in the transportation of passengers and cargo while fulfilling future transport and logistics tasks around the world. Obtaining TUV SW Certificate of Conformity once again confirms the safety of uST technology.
This is a landmark event for uSky Transport and for the world as a whole, since the practical implementation of uST technologies will enable countries, regions and individual companies to increase transport and logistics efficiency and safety, improve the economy and ecology, and reduce the carbon footprint.
TUV SW Standardization Certifications is the world leading quality, safety and sustainability solutions provider with offices in 14 countries that specializes in testing, inspection, auditing, certification and training. TUV SW is assessed and accredited (including ISO 17020, ISO 17021) by various national and international accreditation bodies for its professionalism, ethics, reliability and independence for the certification assessment.
Obtaining TUV SW Certificate of Conformity is the result of high professionalism of all the staff of uST group of companies established by Eng. Unitsky, holding there the position of General Designer as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors in Unitsky String Technologies. Each part of the complex uST technology including dozens of systems and subsystems, ranging from a pre-stressed overpass with anchor nodes and rail electric vehicles with automated control system and machine vision to railroad switches, power supply and communication systems, undergoes numerous tests for efficiency, safety and reliability from the very design stage.
uST group of companies includes two test and certification centres in the UAE and the Republic of Belarus, thanks to which all uST technological solutions pass numerous checks, inspections and tests. The data obtained during testing are processed and, if necessary, constructive and technological changes are made to the detailed design based on the results of R&D activities. The location of test and certification centres in two diametrically opposite climatic zones makes it possible to fully consider ambient climatic features – frost, snowfalls and icy conditions as well as heat, salt in the air and sandstorms. Thus, such are reckoned with in further projects of the group in any natural and climatic zone of our planet.
Certification of uST integrated engineering and technological solutions allows to lift the major restriction in decision-making for ordering key off-the-ground transport and infrastructure projects that exists at present – observance of global requirements for reliability, safety and durability of breakthrough transport and infrastructure technologies of a new generation. This obstacle has now been removed. Therefore, dozens of prospective projects in dozens of countries around the world will soon become a reality, and this will confirm the words said by the creator of uST technology in his first video message to investors: “We are creating the largest business in the history of civilization!”
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