Cargo transportation

In search of advantages
Neither of today’s types of cargo transportation is flawless. For example, the most urgent problems of motor transportation are the wear of bituminous concrete road surface, as well as costly maintenance and overhaul. Well-worn and damaged highway sections affect the quality of cargo traffic. The speed, comfort and safety of delivery goes down because of the risk of damaged goods and the transport itself. Besides, road trains and trucks require more frequent maintenance and repair, which makes such transportation more expensive. Railroad haulage also has enough problems: worn railways and locomotive fleet, limited carrying capacity, expensive laying of new routes (especially, in regions with weak soils and hostile terrain), significant expenditure for the maintenance of trains and track structure of railroads (earth embankment, granular sub-base, sleepers, rails). Air cargo transportation is quite an expensive option.
It is obvious that every year the search for an alternative solutions in cargo transportation to eliminate the above problems becomes more and more urgent.
Solution of Unitsky String Technologies Inc.

uCont enters the station (Sharjah, UAE, 2021)
UST Inc. opens up new opportunities in the haulage industry. This is one of those sectors where uST Transport & Infrastructure Solutions are most efficient. Steel-wheeled self-driving electric cars (uPods) travel on a string rail overpass at a speed of up to 150 km/h. The transport and infrastructure complexes are capable of transporting up to 100 million tons of cargo per year. In contrast to cableway systems, the length of the route is not limited. The string rail overpass can resist extreme weather impacts, natural and man-triggered disasters, vandalism, and terrorist attacks. Pre-stressed strings make the track structure stable against extreme temperatures as well. The string track is reliable and has a long service life of up to 100 years (rolling stock up to 25 years). The potential of uST cargo transport is fully revealed when operating in remote and hard-to-reach areas, as well as in harsh natural and climatic conditions.
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes can be used as a link between logistics hubs, in remote or hard-to-reach areas, at industrial facilities, in seaports, as well as in the development of minerals. They require minimal land allotment for construction, and are characterized by significantly lower material consumption and cost of structures compared to traditional overpasses.
The cargo complexes can be used to transport various types of cargoes: special (household and industrial waste products, radioactive, explosive, and other hazardous agents), liquid bulk (oil and derivatives thereof, chemical products, liquefied gases, drinking water), breakbulk (wood and timber, rolled steel, containers), bulk (ore, coal, crushed stone, gravel, sand).

uTruck on the flexible track structure (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2020)
uTruck specializes in bulk cargo transportation at a speed of up to 150 km/h with automatic loading and unloading.

uCont on the flexible track structure (Sharjah, UAE, 2022)
uCont is used to transport 20-foot and 40-foot sea containers. Maximum transportation speed is 150 km/h.

uTrans in the cargo terminal (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2019)
uTrans is a conveyor-type vehicle that allows fast and inexpensive transportation of bulk cargo. The length of the route is not limited and ensures high safety of the transported material. uTrans can be combined with the uTruck line, which extends greatly its range of application. The maximum speed is 36 km/h.
Advantages of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes
In some cases, the construction of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes is several times more affordable than laying cableways, railways or highways. Capital costs for construction are reduced because there is no need for embankments, bridges, elevated roads, junctions and culverts. The costs are also lower thanks to low resource intensity of the string rail overpass, as well as minimum land allotment. High energy efficiency, lower operating costs and a small service personnel minimize the operating costs. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes are characterized by low energy costs due to the movement of steel-wheeled rail electric cars on rails and their high aerodynamics.

uTruck on the flexible track structure (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2021)

uCont leaves the station (Sharjah, UAE, 2022)
Reliability and durability
Stability of the track structure to harsh weather conditions and the automated control system make it possible to safely transport cargo in fog and heavy rain, snowstorms, thunderstorms, floods, and earthquakes. Cargo can be transported at a wind speed of up to 90 km/h in the standard modification of uST Complexes, and up to 200 km/h in special ones. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes can be operated all day long and in all weather conditions. Cargo safety is ensured due to the anti-derailment system, highly smooth running and elevated travel of cargo uPods, which eliminates accidents and collisions with foreign objects. The string rail overpass is durable. The service life is up to 100 years. At the same time, there is no need for regular replacement of the track structure components.
uST track structure has an overpass design. Bypassing water and other barriers, it is laid along the shortest path, which makes cargo delivery faster and more affordable. This is possible because the supporting towers can be installed at a distance of up to 2 km from each other. In addition, the elevated structure of the string road, even and smooth track and absence of temperature joints do not limit the speed of freight rolling stock (up to 150 km/h). Automated transportation and handling also speed up the transportation process.

Use of string transport to traverse mountainous obstacles

uCont in the desert (Sharjah, UAE, 2022)
uST Transport & Infrastructure Solutions can be used at industrial facilities, seaports and mining sites, including hard-to-reach places: mountainous and marshy regions, desert and waterlogged areas, permafrost grounds, and jungles. Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has developed a range of cargo uPods with different load capacity (from 1 to 35 tons) for different types of cargo (breakbulk and loose) with travel speeds from 80 to 150 km/h.
In some cases, the shortest route to the destination may pass across regions with stringent environmental standards, for example, across national parks, sanctuaries and reserves. It does not allow building railroads and highways. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes produce practically zero environmental impact with minimal (localized) land allotment, which makes it possible to use them in such regions. Maximum sustainability is achieved due to low material intensity of the structural components, electricity-driven operation, low energy consumption, overpass design (they do not interfere with wildlife migration and movement of surface and underground waters) as well as safe movement of transport high above the ground. In addition, minimum land allotment does not disturb the terrain, preserves fertile soil, landscape and biodiversity of the surrounding areas.

uTruck on the rigid track structure (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2021)
Learn about the estimated cost and duration of the project at the link.
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes offer an effective solution in cargo transportation. They are faster, more reliable and cost-effective compared to railway or motor transport