Transit across hostile terrain

Transport accessibility of territories
There are many regions in the world where hostile terrain, water barriers or extreme climatic conditions do not allow regular transport links to be organized. In such places, laying and operation of conventional transport communications is extremely expensive, difficult or even impossible. This problem is also urgent in the development of mineral deposits located, for example, in regions with severe geocryological conditions. This applies to the transportation of workers, equipment and all kinds of cargo.
Many economy-driving territories are characterized by severe frosts, short construction season, great ground freezing depth, and significant amount of precipitation. This makes it necessary to build overpasses or high embankments and use additional frost protection technologies when building highways and railroads. Energy consumption increases, the efficiency of using road vehicles and mechanisms decreases, which significantly drives up capital and operating costs during the construction and use of conventional transport systems.
Solution of Unitsky String Technologies Inc.

String pedestrian bridge against the uST test tracks (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2022)
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes are particularly efficient in regions with hostile terrain and harsh climatic conditions. A specific rail electric vehicle (uPod) is selected depending on the parameters of the route.The string rail overpass allowing passenger and cargo transport to travel above the ground at a speed of up to 150 km/h and with a slope of up to 15% in the standard modification is characterized by a significantly lower material consumption of structures as compared to conventional overpasses. In a special modification the slope of the track can exceed 50%. The track structure does not require an earth embankment and it is not necessary to construct bridges to traverse water barriers: the length of clearances between the supports of the string rail overpass can reach 2 kilometers and more.
The string rail overpass is resistant to temperature swings (-60 to +60 °C) due to pre-sressed strings. It is also characterized by increased reliability and long service life. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes reveal great performance even in the most harsh weather conditions.
The construction of a lightweight and at the same time robust and durable string rail overpass in regions with mountains, swamps, jungles, deserts or permafrost is significantly cheaper than the construction of any alternative transportation available on the market. Location of the track structure high above the ground minimizes the risk of traffic accidents and does not interfere with wildlife migration, as well as movement of surface and ground waters.
Transit to mining sites

uTruck for bulk cargo transportation (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2019)
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes can be used to transport workers to the sites where mineral deposits are developed. At the same time, cargo rail electric cars on steel wheels are capable of transporting mined resources. High movement speed and features of the track structure of the “second level” will ensure fast and safe transportation of passengers and cargo in automatic mode.
Bridging divided parts of a city

View of string transport being used to overcome water barriers
String transport is capable of bridging parts of a city separated by a water barrier or, for example, a mountain section or a gorge. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes allow laying a route along the optimal trajectory thanks to the unique engineering solution. The clearances between the supporting towers are up to 2 kilometers long, which makes it possible to easily traverse various obstacles without additional infrastructure (bridges and crossovers).
Communication with hard-to-reach regions

uCar in tropical design on the flexible track structure (Sharjah, UAE, 2022)
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes can be used to establish regular communication with the cities located in hard-to-reach and remote regions. The string track can also act as a high-speed shuttle from such localities to airports, ports, and railway stations. In addition, the string transport can become a more efficient and faster way to deliver all kinds of cargo to hard-to-reach areas, namely, food, construction materials, equipment, etc.
Advantages of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes
The string rail overpass ensures smooth travel of the transport above the ground, which minimizes the risk of collision with foreign objects. In addition, uPods are equipped with the anti-derailment system that prevents overturning and falling from the track structure. The automatically coupled emergency towing device makes it possible to tow a faulty rail electric vehicle to the garage with repair shop. The automated control system eliminates human factor and ensures efficient year-round operation of uST Transport and Infrastructure Complexes in all weather conditions.

14-seat uBus on a 400-meter span of the flexible track structure (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2019)

uCar in tropical design on the flexible track structure (Sharjah, UAE, 2021)
Reliability and durability
The string rail overpass is resistant to such extreme natural and climatic influences as heavy rainfall and snowfall, dense fog, heavy wind, ice, flood, tsunami, earthquake. Due to prestressed strings, the overpass is also resistant to temperature swings: abnormal heat (+60 °C) or extreme frost (–60 °C). The string track is characterized by high reliability and long service life of all elements of the complex, as it is designed and constructed in the 100-years-long logic. The minimum service life of the overpass before overhaul is 50 years, and it is 25 years for the rolling stock. There is no need to replace the main components, as, for example, in the cableway, where the cables must be replaced every 3-8 years. uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes are ready for year-round operation in any climatic conditions.
Energy efficiency
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes are characterized by low energy costs due to on-rail travel of steel-wheeled uPods and their aerodynamic characteristics, including due to the absence of a solid roadway and a parasitic screen effect. In regions with hostile terrain, the use of the flexible string rail track structure will be more efficient. Its advantages include the capability of using gravitational forces when uPods are moving down the arc – on a descent between the supports. Transport can use gravity when moving downhill, thereby saving or giving electricity to the grid. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the energy consumption for transportation. A large distance between supporting towers and no need to reinforce the string rail with external components make the flexible track structure the least material-intensive of all modifications thereof. All of the above allows you to achieve the lowest cost of construction and travel.

uCar on the flexible track structure (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2019)

uCont on the flexible track structure (Sharjah, UAE, 2022)
The construction of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes requires low capital costs due to elimination of embankments, excavations, bridges, crossovers and culverts. There is no need for additional artificial structures to traverse water barriers, as well as transport and pedestrian communications. The low resource intensity of a string rail overpass reduces its cost by an order of magnitude in comparison with traditional transport overpasses. Robust and durable track structure ensures low operating costs compared to conventional roads that require constant maintenance. Automated transportation and great energy efficiency of the transport eliminates high operating costs and energy consumption. The product of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. is competitively priced at a higher capacity (up to 50,000 passengers per hour) compared to cableways and other elevated transportation options (highway and railway overpasses, monorails, maglev trains, metro).
uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes have practically zero environmental impact, which allows their application in regions with stringent environmental requirements. Maximum sustainability is achieved due to material intensity of the structural components, minimum land allotment, electricity-driven operation, low energy consumption, as well as vehicles moving high above the ground.

String structures in the EcoTechnoPark: pedestrian bridge, semi-rigid and flexible uST overpasses (Maryina Gorka, Belarus, 2022)
Learn about the estimated cost and duration of the project at the link.
The above advantages of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes allow not only effective use of the string transport in already existing sectors, but also opening up new trends in cargo and passenger transportation