Transport solutions

Unitsky String Technologies Inc. offers uST Transport & Infrastructure Solutions that can find a variety of applications. The company develops, designs, manufactures and tests light rail uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes in overpass design. They can be used in a number of sectors. The key of them are city and intercity passenger transportation, transit across hostile terrain, and cargo transportation.
Passenger and cargo steel-wheeled electric cars (uPods) travel above the ground on a string rail overpass in automatic mode at a speed of up to 150 km/h.
Key applications
uST Technology is more safe, efficient, environmentally friendly and affordable as compared to the majority of known transport complexes.
Conformity to international standards, maximum safety and high energy efficiency are the UST’s benchmarks in the development of its product
Cost and duration
The construction cost of the transport overpass of uST Complex, given equal natural, climatic and infrastructural conditions, would be:
- from 50% of the cost of construction of 1 km of cableway
- from 10% of the cost of construction of a light rail overpass
- from 4% of the cost of construction of 1 km of metro
Given a variety of factors affecting the technical and economic features, the exact cost of each specific uST complex (and the cost of 1 km) can be determined only through pre-investment feasibility studies. The real cost can vary depending on such factors as:
- type and purpose of the complex: suspended, hinged, passenger, cargo, cargo and passenger, urban, high-speed intercity
- estimated performance of the complex: per year, per day, during rush hours
- design speed
- terrain: plain, rugged terrain, foothills, mountains, etc.
- natural and climatic conditions and their specific features in the project region that affect the design and technological features of the complex (bearing capacity of soils, permafrost, extreme air temperatures and wind loads, heavy snowfalls and heavy rains, sandstorms and tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, etc.
- length of the route and spans, height of supports, height of passenger stations and cargo terminals
- number of passenger stations, number of loading and unloading cargo terminals on the route
The cost of uST transport & infrastructure complex includes
- second-level transport and logistics infrastructure – passenger stops and stations, cargo loading and unloading terminals, garages with repair shops, turnouts, etc.
- string rail transport overpass (single-track, double-track or multi-track)
- rolling stock: steel-wheeled rail electric cars – uPods
- automated control system
- engineering networks and utilities, power supply and communications systems
- design and survey work
- civil and installation work
- start-up
- certification
The operating expenses (OPEX) for the operation of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complex are also significantly lower than in conventional solutions (monorail, high-speed tram, underground and overhead subway, ropeways, etc.). They depend on the following factors:
- total number of uPods on the route and their carrying capacity
- performance of the complex (per year, per day, during rush hours)
- estimated on-route speed of the rolling stock
- number of passenger stops, stations, cargo loading and unloading terminals in the complex and other infrastructure facilities of the “second level” in uST Complex
Feasibility and Pre-engineering Study
6 months
The construction cost of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complex can be determined through a Feasibility and Pre-engineering Study. It is a part of the front-end engineering and is included in the contract price of the project
12–18 months
Construction and installation works, delivery of equipment and rolling stock
12–18 months
Start-up, personnel training, and commissionings
3–6 months
The design and construction can be carried out in parallel, if it does not contradict the legislation
Unconditional guarantee
24 months
The warranty for the components of the transport and infrastructure complex will be stipulated by the contract