uST Technology is of interest to Indian government officials from Gujarat
The uSky Test and Certification Center in Sharjah (UAE) was visited by delegates from the Government of Gujarat. The visit of the high-ranking guests was organized with the support of the UAE-India Business Council. The delegation was headed by IAS Tourism Secretary Hareet Shukla. By the way, in October, the uSky Center was visited by the Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India, Shri Nitin Gadkari.
uST Technology can become very popular in the region and contribute to solving the main transport tasks, namely reducing the number of personal vehicles on the roads and, accordingly, traffic jams and accidents, as well as minimizing air pollution level.
“Rapid population growth and traffic congestion create a demand for the use of alternative transport technology in India. The organization of traffic with the help of modern uST Complexes will reduce ground transport traffic and travel time due to the redistribution of passenger flows to the second level. The aboveground routes will bring the transport connection of the region to a new degree, which will ultimately improve the quality of the population life,” commented Sergei Tarasov, the Director of uSky Transport.
The representatives of the Test and Demonstration Center conducted a sightseeing tour for the guests. It embodied a description about the work of the uST aboveground complexes in the overpass design and presentation of the passenger uPod models. The delegation also got acquainted with the uCar in a tropical version and saw the safety and comfort of this type of transport for themselves. During the visit, the main advantages of implementing uST Solutions in the transport infrastructure of Gujarat were outlined as well.
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