Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Has Begun Operation of the Test Track in the UAE

Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has begun operation of the test 400-meter section of the elevated transport and infrastructure complexes in Sharjah, UAE. This will provide developing the regulations for operation in day and night time, uST passenger and cargo vehicles schedule, work of the complex’s operators, as well as maintenance issues under actual operating conditions.
There are string rail overpass, passenger stations, dispatching unit, power supply, communication, and automated control systems, passenger and cargo rolling stocks for the tropics in the uST technology testing and certification center in Sharjah. And the company are already able to offer the tested holistic product ready for everyday operation under the tropics conditions.
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. is now performing an intensive development of the MENA region. The representatives of local delegations visiting the company’s complex in Sharjah have a keen interest in the UST Inc. electric elevated transport systems meeting the all requirements of the linear cities which are of interest to governments in the region.
The key commercial advantage of the solutions offered by Unitsky String Technologies Inc. is their cost that is only from $4M per one kilometer of the transport complex, including all its components (overpass, stations, infrastructure, etc.).
Herewith, the company’s main know-how is its patented Prestressed Track Structure™ (PTS™) that allows developing innovation overhead electric transport systems with a light track structure on the base of string rail.
The engineering solutions by Unitsky String Technologies Inc. already makes it possible to build roads with the cost that is by third cheaper compared to conventional monorail roads and two times lower than railways or highways.
The complex in Sharjah is intended for certification in the MENA region of three uST transport solution for the tropics:
• Elevated passenger transport infrastructure complex with the uPods of uCar® with a capacity of 6 persons and uBus® with a capacity of 25 persons providing passenger traffic flow of up to 50 thousand people per hour via each overpass at the price from $0.02 passengers per km at speeds of up to 150 km/h.
• Elevated cargo transport system with the uPods of uCont® providing cargo flow of standard TEU and FEU cargo containers at the price from $0.01 tons per km at speeds of up to 120 km/h. Competitive advantage of the company’s solutions implies performing loading-unloading operations “on-the-flight” in ports and logistics hubs without need in additional terminals.
• Finally, the system of elevated high-speed passenger transportation at speeds of 500 km/h with premium six-seater uPods of uFlash. Engineering specifics of the design and location of the high-speed track at the above-ground level provide such a high speed combined with the passengers’ comfort and the customer’s economic expediency.
Scientific developments of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. provide solutions to the common issues regarding high cost of the transport overpass (elevated routs) construction and maintenance, speed of passenger and cargo transportation within the congested mega-cities, integration into the existing environment with minimal land allocation and intervention into the urban infrastructure, as well as ecological friendliness of the transport systems.
“The start of operation of the new site in the UAE complex is one more step towards practical implementation of our technology and global expansion with the completed, tested, and certificated product. We are pleased that years of hard work are beginning to yield results and turn into real projects of the international level”, – Nadezhda Kosareva (СЕО, Unitsky String Technologies Inc.).
About the company
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. (UST Inc.) is an international engineering company engaged in the design, construction, and maintenance of the overhead electric transport systems.
The company's Prestressed Track Structure™ technology allows constructing light elevated rail-string track structures and employing automated electric vehicles to transport passengers and cargo much cheaper and more environmentally friendly compared to conventional highways, railroads, trams, metros, elevated monorails and ropeways.
The company’s headquarters is located in Minsk, Belarus. It has a production site and two Research & Development Centers in Maryina Gorka (Belarus) and Sharjah (United Arab Emirates).
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