Draft Standards for uPods in Belarus Have Been Submitted for Public Discussion

uST Transport

The standards creation process for uPods in Belarus has come to the next stage. UST Inc. projects have been submitted for public discussion to be considered by interested organizations. Earlier, the company's proposals were included in the country's state standardization plan for 2024. 

The company builds all uST transport components with due consideration of the regulatory frameworks of the project implementation region. Existing local standards allow building transport and infrastructure complexes in the area where uST technology is already being deployed. At the same time, predicting further developments, UST Inc. is working hard to create its own standards that meet the requirements of the XXI century. Thus, in order to give the status of uST transport in the legal field of Belarus, we are working on the formulation and adoption of the relevant norms.  

"Our three draft standards are posted on the website of the State Committee for Standardization of Belarus. We have selected 15 enterprises that are similar to UST Inc. and have experience with the subject matter and objects of standardization. They can publish their comments and suggestions regarding the drafts. Then, we plan to refine the final version and send it for two expert reviews: metrological, and regulatory and technical," said Gennady Zubelevich, Head of the Standardization and Product Certification Department at UST Inc. 

To recap, the approved uST technology regulations will include requirements for the safety and purpose of rail electric vehicles.

Establishment of the regulatory framework will:

  • Ensure mutual understanding and trust between the developer, manufacturers, suppliers, customers, and users of uST transport;
  • Confirm the level of scientific knowledge and technical development of the company's product in the country;
  • Identify rail electric vehicles for further conformity assessment;
  • Enable the conformity assessment of uPods with respect to national requirements.
1 August 2024