The Future String Transport Station in a Graduation Project of the University of Sharjah

The graduation project was presented at Fine Arts and Design College of the University of Sharjah. Mohamed Amiroudhin, a student of the College, chose the topic of the future string transport station for his graduation project. One of the jury members was an employee of uSky Transport, who was invited to assess the final projects of students in the Architecture and Interior Design program.
Design of the Sharjah station by student Mohamed Amirudin
The main idea of this year's graduation projects was to improve the social infrastructure of the native city. Student projects concerned medical, recreational, and educational facilities, as well as playgrounds. One of the projects that aroused particular interest was the future string transport station, which is meant to ensure safe mobility of the population and create environmentally friendly transportation system.
All members of the jury, including the representative of uSky Transport, highly appreciated the level of elaboration of the graduation project of the string transport station in Sharjah.
Dr. Nadia Alhasani, Professor and Dean of Fine Arts and Design College at the University of Sharjah, presents a letter of appreciation to the employee of uSky Transport
Professor and Dean of Fine Arts and Design College at the University of Sharjah Nadia Alhasani presented a letter of appreciation to the representative of uSky Transport for his participation, and also expressed her hope for further academic collaboration.
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