UST Inc. announced the results of the International Public Competition of Final Qualifying Works
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has completed the acceptance of applications and materials within the framework of the International Public Competition of Final Qualifying Works. Let us recall that the topic was devoted to uST technology.
This year, 17 projects of participants from 10 educational institutions (4 Belarusian and 6 Russian) were submitted for the competition. For comparison: this is almost twice as much as 3 years ago.
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering took the most active part in the event. Its representatives announced 7 works at once for the competition.
The expert commission together with Anatoli Unitsky, the General Designer of UST Inc., evaluated the materials of the contestants according to the requirements of the Regulations. As a result, it was decided not to determine the winner this year for a number of reasons, such as:
• insufficient level of elaboration and novelty of the claimed projects, as well as their low connection with the main topic of the competition;
• incorrectness and unreasonableness of calculations and use of software;
• copyright infringement in some works;
• low level of interaction with the competition organizer, namely requests for additional information, specification of topics, tasks, design and architectural solutions, use of terminology, etc.
Maxim Eliseev’s work on the topic “Multifunctional high-rise UST Inc. complex in Nizhny Novgorod on the International Street” (Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering) was declared as the winner of the second place. The scientific supervisor of the work is Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Boris Lampsi.
The third place was taken by Ekaterina Chibakova’s project with the topic “Mechanical assembly shop of uTrucks of UST Inc.’s UralTruck plant” (Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering). Vladimir Ershov, the Associate Professor of the Architecture Department acted as the scientific supervisor of the work.
Also, the expert commission of the competition separately noted the joint Belarusian-Russian project “Increasing the productivity of farm animals with biomass obtained during the processing of textile waste by the recombinant producer Y.Lipolytica”. The work was performed by Ekaterina Loiko (Vitebsk State Technological University; the supervisor is Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Zimina) and Mikhail Agapov (Kursk State University; the supervisor is Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Elena Trubnikova). Despite the fact that the project is not directly related to solving problems in the field of uST transport, it is executed at a high level and serves as an example of inter-country interaction of university scientists.
UST Inc. will award the contest participants and prize-winners in the near future. The next such event is scheduled for 2024.