Where Are UST Inc.’s Elevated Vehicles Tested?
Uncrewed electric vehicles, string rail overpasses, stations, depots as well as tree alleys and well-groomed gardens. Such a harmonious neighborhood of nature and technology can be seen in EcoTechnoPark. By the way, once the test and demonstration center in Maryina Gorka was appreciated even by Steven Seagal, a Hollywood star.
It is hard to imagine, but just eight years ago there was an area overgrown with impenetrable weeds with soil soaked in gunpowder and diesel fuel. The land was far from being in the best condition, because there used to be a tank range there. According to EcoTechnoPark manager Oleg Losik, the construction of ETP began literally in the open field. A lot of work has been done, and today on the territory of the center you can see not only five transport and infrastructure complexes of various types, but also other "green" technologies.
Learn more about EcoTechnoPark in a recent post on Office Life.
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