Every Detail Is Important: Who Creates the Documents for the Operation of uST Transport?

The Technical Documentation Design Office develops documents for the operation of uST Transport and Infrastructure Complexes. They help to use transport safely and efficiently and speed up the certification process. How is the work of the Design Office built? Find out in the article about this division of Unitsky String Technologies Inc.
Operational documents for Transport and Infrastructure Complexes are analogous to manuals that are developed for any equipment. Thanks to them, the staff of organizations using uST Transport understand how to make the operation process safe and efficient. In addition, such documentation ensures the use of Transport and Infrastructure Complexes in accordance with regulatory legal acts in force in the customer’s country. It also greatly facilitates the process of transport certification.
Yuri Andrianov, the Head of the Technical Documentation Design Office, says that in the documents being developed there are rules of operation for the intended purpose along with the rules of maintenance and repair. They can be used in the process of adapting new employees of the company.
“The documents have been developed in sufficient detail. Almost every one of them contains a significant graphic component. After reading them, new employees have a clear idea of the purpose, composition, principle of operation, technical characteristics and basic rules for the safe operation of our track structures,” explains the Head of the Design Office.
Errors are unacceptable
All employees of the Technical Documentation Design Office have extensive experience in the operation and repair of vehicles in the aviation industry – a very complex and knowledge-intensive field. Working on the creation of documentation for uST Transport, specialists understand that every detail is important. After all, mistakes or ambiguous interpretation by the service personnel of the procedure for performing individual operations, as well as neglect of the established requirements and standards of maintenance of track structures are unacceptable. All operational documents are developed in strict accordance with the requirements of the current GOST. By the way, the type and nomenclature of operational documents can be changed promptly, if so requested by the customer.
“For example, one of the organizations which has a cooperation agreement with UST Inc. presented its requirements. We considered them and prepared the appropriate operational documents,” says Yuri Andrianov.
Some documents are being developed in half a day
The development time of operational documentation depends on the complexity of the product. For example, specialists can develop a document for a simple tool in half a day. For more complex products, such as track structures, operational frameworks, infrastructure or bench equipment the development time can reach three months or more. The finished documentation is transferred to the customer’s operating organization in accordance with the established procedure.
For several years the Office’s employees have developed more than 320 individual copies of documents for the track structure, infrastructure equipment and tooling. Some of them have been transferred to the uSky Test and Certification Center. Now the Technical Documentation Design Office works on documents for a track structure designed for one of the new uST transport models.
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