UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

Specialists of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. answered a series of new questions about the Karat transport and infrastructure complex. Is the uPod resistant to sandstorms? Does the complex provide for the evacuation of passengers? Is there space for luggage in Karat? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our publication.

At what stage is the project currently in terms of implementation? What kind of work still needs to be completed?

UST Inc. specialists are currently testing the uPod in different speed modes. The speed is increased systematically in increments of 10 km/h and receives safety confirmation. Earlier, engineers tested the flagship uPod at a speed of 85 km/h.

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

Is the Karat transport and infrastructure complex resistant to sandstorms, which can occur frequently in the desert region?

Yes, the transport is dust- and moisture-proof. The operation of the uPod during sandstorms is ensured thanks to constructive solutions in the infrastructure elements of the string rail overpass and rolling stock. An advanced filtration system and various purification systems are implemented. For example, a device for cleaning the rail rolling surface from stuck sand or a purge system for a traction module. Sandstorms are accompanied by high winds. The Karat complex is designed for the entire range of wind and sand possible in the field of operation. For the UAE, this figure is 35 m/s.

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

Is there a possibility to carry luggage in a uPod?

Yes, as with any urban public transportation, it means storing passengers' belongings inside the uPod.

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

How many employees are needed to operate the complex after its launch?

In general, 3-4 people for the whole complex. Two employees must work shifts in the control room. One specialist is required for pre-ride inspection of the rolling stock.

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

How will the evacuation of uPod passengers take place in the event of an emergency?  

If it is necessary to evacuate passengers without special ground equipment, then self-rescue is provided in the uPod cabin. It represents a magnetodynamic winch, thanks to which any passenger can comfortably descend to the ground. In such cases, the control system will stop the uPod not in an arbitrary place, but precisely where it is possible for passengers to safely descend to the earth surface.

UST Inc. continues to answer frequent questions about the Karat complex

9 August 2024