The Result of the Annual Contest of Final Year Projects

There is no doubt that uST technology has taken its place in the field of advanced transport developments as a real alternative to existing solutions. The creator of technology founded specialized design, engineering and scientific schools. The project has been successfully cooperating with a number of higher education institutions around the world for a long time, bringing closer the time when, along with Universities specializing in rail, air or road transport, academies and institutes of string transport will appear.
For the part of young people who see innovative string technologies as a solution to the existing problems of the planet and associate themselves with the project, there is an opportunity to find an interesting and promising job for the whole life. As it was already reported in previous publications, for this purpose, the company-developer of Unitsky’s string transport technology announced this year a contest of final year projects (FYP) (bachelor’s, master’s and postgraduate works) on the topic of String Technologies for graduates of higher educational institutions. The result of this initiative should be the further development, improvement and mass adoption of innovative transport technology around the world, as well as the training of highly qualified specialists necessary for this purpose. It is planned that this event will become annual.
On September 1, the acceptance of projects for the current year was completed, and it is time to announce the results of the contest. Let us remind what the members of the Commission paid special attention to.
- Evaluation criteria:
- — Relevance of the topic
- — Clarity of goals and objectives
- — Clear substantiation of design solutions
- — Software products used in project execution
- — Originality of the proposed solutions
- — The depth of the topic description
- — The scale of the task to be solved
- — The quality of execution of solutions made Logical presentation; style of presentation
- — The quality of composition (including compliance with standards).
As a result, we have received 10 papers from four higher educational institutions. The Commission, consisting of the most competent employees of the Unitsky String Technologies Inc., reviewed them according to the criteria specified in the “Regulations” and gave their ratings: for urban construction, preference was given to the work by co-authors D. Martynovskaya and K. Smirnova, in the architectural direction, two works were noted at once — by the author V. Rezunova (the most interesting project from the point of view of design) and by the author N. Makarov, whose project is worked out better and deeper than the others from the design point of view, and sustained in the spirit of constructive minimalism, close to Anatoli Unitsky.
The winner of the contest is Nikita Makarov, student of the 4th course of civil engineering faculty at Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, author of FYP dated 2019 on the theme “High-rise civil building with adjacent overhead passenger station of string transport system at Chkalov square in Nizhny Novgorod”. The Director of the work was Vladimir Yershov, civil engineer, associate Professor of the Department of Architecture at Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Currently, Nikita is a master’s student who continues to work on the topic of Unitsky’s String Transport. We congratulate the winner of the contest — as well as the Director of the FYP — and wish him to join the ranks of SkyWay builders after completing his studies.
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