UST Inc. successfully completed a scientific project with state registration
The Department of Biotechnology studied the effect of growth stimulant obtained from Ganoderma lucidum on physiological parameters of plants with the evaluation of quality of grown products.
The corresponding research work (R&D) was registered in the state register in 2023.
Growth stimulant from Ganoderma lucidum has high potential for use in agriculture due to a wide range of bioactive compounds with complex effects on different groups of plants. UST Inc. employees paid attention to these properties, which became the subject of the research work, which was examined by the State Committee for Science and Technology and registered at the state level.
The achieved results of scientific work allowed (on the example of tomato and chilli pepper) to use the isolated purified growth stimulant as an organic plant growth stimulant and as a component of liquid organic fertilizer uTerra.
The positive effect of the implementation of the R&D are:
- Increase in the yield of vegetable crops;
- Improving the quality of agricultural products;
- acceleration of growth and development of plants due to more efficient supply of necessary nutrients.
Further research will be aimed at studying the effect of the growth stimulator on other crops (except for tomato and chilli pepper). The study the effect of dosages and methods of application of the preparation, obtained in this research, on the physiological state of plants is also planned.
For reference
Detailed information about the work can be found in the state register of R&D. The number of state registration of the work is 20231374.