Earth - for life, space - for industry
Earth - for life, space - for industry. What problems were discussed at the IV International conference on rocket-free space exploration?
On September 18, Belarus hosted the IV International Scientific and Technical Conference ”Non-Rocket Industrialization of Near Space: Problems, Ideas, Projects"" to discuss further plans and achieved results for implementation of the innovative global geospace program uSpace.
Ecopark ”Aquarelle” in Maryina Gorka became a meeting place for scientists and researchers, whose developments contribute to the active exploration of outer space. Representatives from 17 countries of the world gathered to discuss the development of near space without the use of the rocket-technical industry.
What solutions did the conference participants suggest?
First, to take the harmful part of the terrestrial industry into near space using General Planetary Vehicle (GPV), since rockets for such purposes are extremely expensive and environmentally hazardous.
Secondly, to create a new generation of logistics - string-rail transport located at the ”second level”, i.e. above ground, efficient, safe and environmentally friendly with a significant reduction in cost and resource intensity.
Thirdly, to build ecovillages of a new type - linear cities that will become an alternative to megacities and provide their residents with everything they need: organic food, green energy, clean air, decent and well-paid jobs, healthy recreation and entertainment. Such cities will occupy land conditionally, since gardens will grow on the roofs of their houses, in orchard houses and greenhouses. Natural biogeocenoses and biosphere ecosystems will be created there, even instead of current deserts and permafrost.
And, fourthly, the terrestrial energy must be made biospheric. Power plants should not produce acid rain as a waste of their work, but a living and fertile vermicompost - the basis of the fertility of any types of earth soils.
The conference participants stated that humanity is in the conditions of a “civilizational sociotechnogenic fork”. Either in two generations the traditional vector of technogenic development will lead our children and grandchildren to the point of no return for the earthly civilization as a whole, its degradation, extinction and death. Or we are implementing the EcoWorld program: we will take the industry into near space, solve environmental, economic and social problems on Earth and turn the planet into a blooming garden, where 10 billion people and more can live and work comfortably and safely.
Based on the report of the creator of the string transport and general designer Anatoly Unitsky, the documentary ”Civilization Reboot: Unitsky's Version” was filmed, which highlights the technologies necessary for a comprehensive solution to the environmental problems of our planet, the survival and progressive development of mankind.
Full broadcast of the event.