Cooperation between uST and Vitebsk State Technological University
On May 04, 2022, the cooperation agreement was signed between the scientific organization, Unitsky String Technologies, Inc., and the educational institution «Vitebsk State Technological University».
Hence, the first important steps were made for mutually beneficial cooperation between the parties in the field of science and education.
Which ways this joint cooperation is planned to be implemented?
- carrying out scientific projects and researches;
- exchanging of scientific information;
- hosting of thematic scientific and scientific-practical events (conferences, seminars, forums, etc.), including online, with subsequent co-writing and publication of scientific papers in peer-reviewed and other scientific publications;
- cooperation in the educational sphere (conducting joint practices, lectures, etc.);
- implementation of the results of ongoing scientific research and more.
We wish our specialists and our new cooperation partner a mutually beneficial cooperation in joint activities!