A presentation of the proceedings of the conference on non-rocket space industrialization took place at the National Library of Belarus

The official presentation of the proceedings of the V International Scientific and Technical Conference "Non-rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects" (NRNSI 2022) gathered guests and authors of scientific articles in the National Library of Belarus.The Library co-organized the event together with Astroengineering Technologies LLC.


The book is a scientific publication that includes 27 articles submitted by employees of the Unitsky String Technologies Inc.: engineers, designers, biologists, economists and others. The invited scientists and public figures also took part in the book preparation. The presentation was opened with the welcoming speech of an engineer, scientist and the general constructor of the UST inc., Anatoly Unitsky, who has been leads the research and development according to the uSpace program. The Deputy Chairman of NAS of Belarus Agency of Space Research, Deputy Chairman of IAAS, Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Meritorious Scientist, Petr A. Vityaz addressed his welcoming speech to the participants, too.

Among the guests of honor were the Head of the Department of Aerospace Research at the Institute of Applied Physical Problems named after A.N. Sevchenko, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor Boris Belyaev, First Vice-Rector of the International Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor Ekaterina Parfenovich. The National Library was presented by Viktor Przybytko, Deputy Director General of the National Library of Belarus.

As a part of the collection presentation, an exposition of the Biotechnology Bureau was presented at the National Library, and a VR zone was arranged with locations of the GPV take-off and landing station, its modules and the interiors of the EcoCosmoHouse.

The NRNSI conference ("Non-rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, projects") is a unique platform where the results of scientific research and development on non-rocket near space peaceful exploration are demonstrated.

The VI conference "Non-rocket Near Space Industrialization: Problems, Ideas, Projects" will be held on October 7-8, 2023 within the framework of the UN World Space Week. Now the organizing committee is collecting scientific articles for the event.

We invite anyone to submit and become a participant of the event as a speaker or a reviewer of NRNSI materials.