UST Inc.’s General Designer spoke about the capabilities of the SW Plant production complex
Anatoli Unitsky emphasized that the complex in Belarus is equipped with everything necessary, including modern machinery equipment for small-scale production of uPods in quantities of up to 100 units per year.
As the author of the uST technology noted, today SW Plant fully satisfies the production needs of the Unitsky Group of Companies (including Unitsky String Technologies Inc.) for prototypes of cargo, passenger, and high-speed uPods.
Unitsky Group of Companies – Unitsky String Technologies Inc., SW Plant production complex, uSky Transport and uScovery companies, as well as several marketing representative offices in other countries.
As for the serial production of uPods, the need for it will arise when the supply of rolling stock for targeted projects begins, the General Designer said:
“If the demand for rolling stock increases, for example, to 100 and 1000 pieces per year, we will be able to scale our production and build a plant in a country, where a large targeted project will be implemented. Where it will be beneficial for us. While single and small-scale supply of rolling stock can be carried out from Belarus - both now and in the future in quantities of up to 100 units per year.”
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