UST Inc. Is Working on the Development of Standards for uPods in Belarus
The State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus has accepted an application for the creation of a regulatory framework for rail electric vehicles. The document provides for the development of standards for passenger and cargo uPods, as well as for terms and definitions for uST transport. The approved requirements are to be included in the country's state standardization plan.
"Our product is a brand-new addition to the market. The uST complexes represent a unique offering in many respects. The necessary regional and national standards for their implementation are not yet available in all countries. At the same time, uPods are designed in accordance with the relevant existing transport standards. To achieve the status of uST transport in the legal field of Belarus, we are currently working on the formation and adoption of the relevant norms. At the same time, in regions where our technology is already being implemented, the existing standards can be applied to the introduction of transport and infrastructure facilities," commented Gennady Zubelevich, Head of the Product Standardization and Certification Division at UST Inc.
The approved uST technology regulations will include requirements for the safety and purpose of electric rail vehicles. The creation of a regulatory framework will:
- Ensure mutual understanding and trust between the developer, manufacturers, suppliers, customers and users of uST transport.
- Confirm the level of scientific knowledge and engineering development of the company's product in the country.
- Identify rail-based electric vehicles for further conformity assessment.
- Enable the conformity assessment of uPods with respect to national requirements.
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