Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Has Begun Its Expansion Into the Europe and MENA Regions

A common task for mature economies is to meet the market demands while providing effective and resource-saving solutions. Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has begun intensive market-seeking in Europe and MENA (the Middle East and North Africa), where there is increasing demand for a new generation of transport systems.
Engineering technologies are traditionally a source of intensive economic growth: the innovations provide new opportunities for old industries and solve their inner issues in a new way while expanding the industry itself; eliminating the existing restrictions, and stimulating job creation.
Through its fundamental beliefs, UST Inc. shows how the overhead electric transport industry can change the regions’ economies, provide convenient urban movement, and influence the way of life for people.
The Company’s fundamental system is a patented Prestressed Track Structure Technology® (PTS®) overhead transport system, with increased commercial and ecological efficiency compared to ordinary highways, railways, and cableways. UST Inc. owns this patent, plus more than 50 other relevant international patents and 15 registered trademarks.
Through research and development, Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has developed solutions for otherwise high-cost overpass transportation systems that require a lot of construction and maintenance. UTS Inc.’s speedy passenger and cargo transportation can travel through congested mega-cities and provide eco-friendly integration into the existing environment with minimal land allocations and interference in the infrastructure.
Reducing the cost of the transport infrastructure construction and maintenance
The current market of transport solutions implies a prior high cost of the communication routes. Thus, each kilometer of the Dubai Metro counted $120M, and the Seattle Center Monorail came out more than $60M per kilometer. A typical subway and a magnetically levitated train cost still more. Even slow local cableways are commonly priced from $5M million per kilometer.
Due to UST Inc., advanced engineering solutions are now available to design routs that cost one-third lower than usual monorail ways and half the railway or highway price.
The transport system’s cost, including all its components (overpass, stations, infrastructure, etc.), begins at $4M per kilometer – such a figure is sounded by Unitsky String Technologies Inc.
Easy integration into the existing infrastructure
The overhead nature of the electric transport complexes and ultra-light-weight elevated track structures (rail-string) proposed by UST Inc. provide an expeditious solution to lay the roads and relieve collapsible traffic flows megalopolises, resort cities, logistics hubs, and ports. There will be no difficulties with the system integration into the existing infrastructure and even more reconstruction and preservation of the historically significant sites.
The solution to the problem of traffic jams, congestions, and accidents
Passenger transportations using UST Inc.’s electric transport means are performed above the ground and managed by the artificial intelligence system that ensures a high-security level and nearly zero accident statistics.
Several serial models of the electric transport are designed and proposed by the Company for mass passenger transportation being adapted to different purposes.
Passenger uPods of uCar with a capacity of 6 persons and uBus with its 14-person capacity can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. At this rate, the energy consumption is about 2.5 kW/h and 0.9 kW/h to transport one passenger at a distance of 100 km, respectively. Simultaneously, each of the ultra-light-weight overpasses provides the mass traffic flow of up to 50 thousand persons per hour at a price ranging from $0.02 per passenger per kilometer.
At the present moment, high-speed intercity transportation at a speed of up to 500 km/h is performed using six-seats uPod of uFlash due to its aerodynamic design and strengthened track structure. The Company is also carrying out intensive research and development works in the market of high-speed transportation, which will amount to over $130 billion in 2021, according to the Company’s analysts.
Significant reduction in the costs of mass cargo transportation
Prestressed Track Structure Technology® brings logistics expenses to a minimum due to the use of the second level’s overhead transport systems and “just in time” automated loading and unloading mechanisms. These innovations ensure that the cargo flow between hard-to-reach mining sites, industrial centers, and remote transports hubs (ports, airports, and logistics centers) will be possible without the need for additional terminals.
This drastically reduces the cost of the whole logistics process. Only $0.01 per ton-km – this is the price of the transportation provided by UST Inc. transport system using uCont uPod transporting TEU and FEU containers at a speed of up to 120 km/h. Cargo loading and unloading are therefore carried out “on the flight” in ports and logistics hubs without the need for additional stations.
Zero impact on the environment
Unitsky String Technologies Inc.’s solutions are a culmination of scientific achievements in the field of electric high-speed eco-friendly transportation. That is why the end product has nearly zero environmental impact, requires minimal land allocations for construction, and produces very low noise. These features of the Company’s solutions make them optimal and most appropriate to the regions with the restricted ecological requirements and even for UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
“We believe that any scientific developments should be focused on improving people’s quality of life while having practical, commercial applications. Our products are extensively tested in our R&D centers, located in Belarus and the UAE. These tests, as well as the increased demand for our transport solutions, and despite COVID, thoroughly confirm the relevance of our innovations on the international market”, – Nadezhda Kosareva (СЕО, Unitsky String Technologies Inc.).
About the Company
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. (UST Inc.) is an international engineering company engaged in designing, constructing, and maintaining overhead transport systems.
The company's patented Prestressed Track Structure® (PTS®) technology innovates overpass rail solutions with the use of electricity, which is cheaper and more eco-friendly than conventional highways, railways, tram lines, underground, monorails, and cableways.
The company’s headquarters is located in Minsk, Belarus. The company has a production site and two Research & Development Centers in Maryina Gorka (Belarus) and Sharjah (United Arab Emirates).
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