Anatoli Unitsky: «I Believe the Next Year to Be the Best in Our Life»
Another hard-working year in Unitsky String Technologies Inc. is about to end. As was promised, on New Year’s Eve we post the interview with General Designer and author of string technologies Anatoli Unitsky and would like to share with you the bullet points of the conversation.
The video is currently available in Russian. We will add English subtitles shortly.
About difficulties in 2021
The passing year was one of the most difficult for us because of ongoing pandemics and lockdowns as we depend on the suppliers in tens of countries. Suppliers of high tensile wire, various polymer materials and equipment, including for the rolling stock of our unicars, shut down in many of these countries forcing us to search for new vendors. In some cases, the delivery was delayed for a year and for even half a year in others. In fact, this is a force majeure. But we survived this hardship and became even stronger in contrast to many enterprises. Actually, we are a medium-sized business. Many medium-sized enterprises shut down but not us. Moreover, we are progressing.
About contracts
I promised that this year we would sign contracts. And we kept this promise. I can say that now we have four contracts signed. I won’t name the countries. We will announce them when we reach the designing stage. Thus, this year was of great significance to us: we have ultimately arrived at the starting point of being paid for work, although we earned money from the projects before and not only from string technologies. We have high-efficiency production and it’s been long since we’ve started to get orders from third-party enterprises in various countries. Surely, this helps to finance our technology.
About certification
I’ve never been afraid of certification. It’s everybody else for whom this is a terrifying word. What is certification? This is conformity to requirements. We have an entire test center where we take stress tests of materials. Therefore, we know everything about these requirements related to not only electric cars but to the track structure, supports, energy supply, communication, and automatic control system. We include this knowledge into the complex and then get it certified. By the way, we passed such certification from TUV which issued a safety certificate for the uSky technology. We’re aware of the requirements in any country, and thus can implement a targeted project in conformity to the country-specific standards.
About the deadlines for working on projects
The terms in which we have covered the path from the first samples of the complexes to the first contracts are not long. This is especially evident if we draw parallels. Compare our technology to maglev trains. They are almost identical in terms of complexity. They are both transport and infrastructural projects. Maglev trains were taken up in Germany back in the 1930s. They built one track and one model of the rolling stock. Compare to how many models and tracks we have. Then they were certified and sold only once to China which did not recover the investments. No doubt, they spent 6.5 bln Euro during this period and not 5 years but 50. Our electric cars are no less complex than maglev trains. However, our engineering turned out to be more competent. Neither company skyrockets instantly. It’s never been like this. Look at us, we produce a complex and we don’t have billions.
Why Anatoli Unitsky is the New World’s engineer?
The New World means that ours approaches a dead end. It’s because stalemate technologies will destroy the biosphere, particularly, energy, metallurgy and transport. The pandemics revealed another factor that was not implicit earlier. This is the 5G course: digitalization, depopulation, desocialization, reindustrialization and decarbonation. Should these plans become real, it won’t be long before our civilization goes extinct. Therefore, I’ve became so active in opposing this course and explaining that this is a wrong direction by speaking of a possibility to develop in another way. We don’t need to shut down the industry when we can modify it and it’s the same with energy where power plants can generate waste products in the form of humus which will lay ground for us to plant gardens. This will save the planet and humanity. And this is why I’m the New World’s engineer. I invented the technologies that will lead us to this New World – a more appropriate and humane world where there will be place for everybody.
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