International Arctic Summit: UST Inc. Presented a Solution for the Development of the Far North Territories
From June 8 to 10, the 6th International Arctic Summit “The Arctic: Prospects, Innovations and Development of Regions” is being held in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Unitsky String Technologies Inc. along with the other organizations of Unitsky Group of Companies takes part in this large-scale forum. The Group of Companies has proposed an integrated approach to the development of the Far North territories. The event is attended by the General Designer of UST Inc. Anatoli Unitsky.
Development is the key word
The venues for the Summit are two leading universities in Russia – St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University and Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University.
Among the participants of the International Arctic Summit are representatives of federal and regional structures, leading Russian and foreign oil and gas and energy companies, transport, financial, scientific and service organizations, as well as the media.
The program of the summit provides for round tables and speeches that relate to the development of science and technology for the reclamation of the Arctic, energy efficiency of facilities, training, aspects of cultural heritage, artificial living environment in the Far North, improving the quality of life of the population of the region, the development of Arctic tourism, end-to-end digital technologies, digital economy and many other topics relevant to Arctic.
The approach should be comprehensive
For the development of the Far North territories, for the first time an integrated approach is proposed by Unitsky Group of Companies (including UST Inc.), and is represented by the use of a number of solutions, which include transport and infrastructure complexes of the second level above the ground, a chain of offshore ports for cargo delivery, relict solar bioenergy, the residential complex “Arctic EcoHouse”, as well as light unmanned helicopter-type aircrafts.
Unitsky Group of Companies is an ecosystem of research, design, engineering, manufacturing, construction, agrobiological, agricultural and marketing organizations. The companies are united by a common ideology, concepts and industry-forming eco-technologies proposed by Anatoli Unitsky for transport, energy, industry, agriculture, as well as residential and industrial infrastructure. The goal of the Group of Companies is to create and implement nature–friendly biosphere technologies that can significantly increase the efficiency of using the planet’s spatial, raw and energy resources, as well as minimize the negative impact of human activities on the environment and the Earth’s biosphere.
The Transport and Infrastructure Complexes of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. which will be very effective in harsh Arctic conditions are also worth mentioning. Thus, one of the advantages of the complex is resistance to extreme temperatures due to pre–tension of the strings (ranging from + 60 ° C to - 60 ° C). The construction of a light and at the same time durable string rail overpass on permafrost areas is a more affordable solution than using other transport alternatives. The uST track structure is characterized by increased reliability and long service life.
The distance between adjacent supports on which the uST track structure is mounted can reach 2 km. This makes it possible to overcome extensive landscape and non-natural obstacles in a single span.
The performance of uST complexes when used in the Arctic zone can reach up to 25,000 passengers per hour or 100 million tons of cargo (bulk, piece or liquid) per year. At the same time, the automatic control system eliminates the risks caused by the human factor, and is able to maintain the safe operation of the complex 24/7 in any natural and climatic conditions, including the Arctic’s one.
Meanwhile, the summit continues. Its program can be found here. And the closing will take place tomorrow, on June 10, in St. Petersburg.
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