Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Unveils New Website

User-friendly, informative and intuitive – the new website of UST Inc. is already available for users. The portal provides information about uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes, the advantages of the technology and the company's activities.
The website features a home page and five sections: "Transport Solutions", "Technology", "Company", "News", and "Science". There is also a "FAQ" page with answers to frequently asked questions about the product of UST Inc. Besides, the website has a feedback form, which allows the customer to leave a request for a quotation for the deployment of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes on any route of interest.
The home page describes uST solutions, their advantages, and provides a visual representation of the technology. The "Transport Solutions" section demonstrates the key applications of uST Transport & Infrastructure Complexes. These are urban and intercity passenger transportation, transit across hostile terrain and cargo traffic.
The "Technology" section explains the key components of uST transport. You can see the "Advantages" and "Structure of the complex" tabs for more details. The "Company" section provides an overview of the history, team and activities of the company. You can learn about the latest events of UST Inc. in the "News" section.
The company's promising projects are represented in the "Science" section. Here you can learn about uST high-speed and hypervelocity transport, linear cities, and research activities of UST Inc.
This is just a brief introduction to the new website of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. We invite users to explore all of its features for themselves.
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