Unitsky String Technologies Inc. Present Updated Market Positioning
UST Inc. has published a document with updated market positioning. It contains key information about the company, describes the principle of operation and capabilities of transport and infrastructure complexes, compares with competitors, indicates the cost of construction and the timing of projects. In this press release, Unitsky String Technologies Inc. present a condensed version of the document. More detailed information can be found in the original of market positioning.
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. (UST Inc.) is an engineering company established in Minsk in 2015, accredited as a scientific organization by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus. The company is engaged in the development, designing, production and testing of transport and infrastructure complexes in the overpass design. The name of the technology laid down in the basis of the product is Unitsky String Technologies (uST).
The company has designed and built two high-tech demonstration and certification centers: EcoTechnoPark in the town of Maryina Gorka (Belarus) on an area of 36 hectares and uSky Testing and Certification Center in Sharjah (UAE) on an area of 28 hectares. The head office of UST Inc. is located in Minsk (Belarus).
The mission of UST Inc. is to solve the problems of the negative impact of transport and transportation infrastructure on humans and the environment at the regional and global levels.
The company's product is uST transport and infrastructure solutions. These are transport communications in an overpass design, where passengers and cargo are transported automatically at speeds up to 150 km/h and at the height of 6 meters above ground level. The distance between the supports on which the uST track structure is mounted can reach 2000 meters, due to which it is possible to overcome water obstacles, mountain gorges, pass above residential and industrial buildings, roads and railways, power transmission lines. The load-bearing structures are visually light, which allows them to be integrated as harmoniously as possible into the infrastructure of cities and suburbs, optimizing the logistics system without the need to allocate significant areas and revise the configuration of existing transport and energy networks, layouts of residential and industrial buildings.
uST transport and infrastructure solutions include:
• creation of pre-stressed string-rail overpasses;
• supply of unmanned electric vehicles (uPods) and automated control system;
• erection of related infrastructure facilities (stations, loading and unloading terminals, power grids, repair shops, utility premises and commercial areas as part of complexes and other facilities).
The basis for the creation of uST transport and infrastructure solutions is the structural-and-technological invention by engineer Anatoli Unitsky – the string rail. This is a key structural element of a pre-stressed string-rail transport overpass.
uST complexes are characterized by high efficiency, safety, reliability and durability, as well as significantly more favorable construction expenses and minimal operating costs compared to other types of overpass-type transport (monorail, maglev train, ground metro, high-speed tram, cable way) and underground metro.
uPods (electric vehicles on steel wheels) are highly efficient and nature-friendly transport. It increases safety of high-speed transportation due to the movement of rolling stock high above the ground, which excludes the possibility of collisions with other objects and vehicles moving on the ground surface. The control systems of uST transport and infrastructure complexes are automated.
uST city complexes are designed to service from 1,000 to 50,000 passengers per hour. Cargo ones – from 1 million to 100 million tons per year.
The product variety and model range of UST Inc. is a set of standard (tested and certified) structural and technological solutions for the creation of uST transport complexes that allow performing various tasks in the field of urban and intercity passenger, as well as freight transportation. Depending on the natural and climatic conditions of implementation and customer requests, uST transport and infrastructure complexes may have different transport and infrastructure configurations.
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