State registration of the first R&D
Unitsky String Technologies Inc. has registered the first scientific project
Science does not stand still, and our company, too. In order to find more effective ways to manage the planet's resources in the interests of the future of the Planet, Unitsky String Technologies Inc. is evolving not only in the field of technology, but also in scientific activity.
On February 22, 2021, in the state register of R&D at the State Institution ”BelISA”, the scientific work "Studies of braking forces occurring in a variable magnetic field and development of a promising prototype model of eddy current moderator section for its use in uST transport complexes” was registered.
What are the benefits of this procedure? It will allow Unitsky String Technologies Inc. to make a statement to the scientific community, increase the level of scientific competence of employees, use the practical results of work in the framework of the implementation of transport and infrastructure complexes of the uST, thereby providing additional competitive advantages of the company’s products and subsequently classify the scientific project as an intangible asset of the UST Inc.