Results of scientific activities by UST Inc. – at the first 2024’ meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council
This March 28th, the first in 2024 meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) took place at UST Inc.
At the meeting, the results of the company’s scientific activities for the first quarter of this year were discussed, as well as the most important indicators (R&TD finalized, patents granted, scientific articles and conference materials published), as compared to other scientific organizations in Belarus for the period 2022-2023, were analyzed.
During the meeting, the following topics were specifically addressed to:
• developments by the in-house Design Offices “Testing Equipment” and “Cargo Transport Complex”;
• increasing the level of protection of IP rights to inventions that are implemented by the company;
• mechanisms of using patents, know-how and R&(T)D for the development of UST Inc.