Registration of a topic in the field of biotechnology
Scientific work is registered again. This time - in the field of biotechnology!
Modern biotechnologies attract the attention of investors not only in our country, but all over the world. Experts and analysts predict that biotechnology will become the fastest growing and most profitable business of the 21st century.
In order to meet the international level and compete in the biotechnology market, on June 2, 2021, Unitsky String Technologies Inc. registered a research work in the state register of R&D in the State Institution ”BelISA” "To develop a feeding based on association of agronomically valuable microorganisms and organic raw materials and conduct a study of its effectiveness on green and vegetable crops".
Scientific supervisor of the work - Artyushevsky S.V., principal investigator - Kostenevich A.A.; the department responsible for the implementation of research and development is the Department of Biotechnologies.
Scientific work is planned to be carried out towards the end of 2022.