Biotechnology developments by UST Inc. presented in the leading University in Belarus
On June 26, employees of Unitsky String Technologies Inc. delivered a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University (BSU). The lecture featured a discussion on how to solve the problem of soil degradation in the world and specifically in Belarus
During the lecture, special attention was paid to the methods of protection of soils from erosion. Representatives of UST Inc. shared information about the company’s biotechnological developments to comprehensively solve the environmental problems of modern society. The main areas of studies in the Biotechnology Department of UST Inc. were showcased. The speakers also addressed the advantages of creating and operating various types of overpass transport means.
The lecture was attended by the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Biology of BSU, as well as Associate Professor of the Department of Cell Biology and Plant Bioengineering, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Tatyana Ivanovna Ditchenko, Leading Researcher at the Research Institute of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Pshibytko Natalya Lyonginovna and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Cell Biology and Plant Bioengineering, Matskevich Vera Sergeevna. The audience expressed gratitude to the invited lecturers and showed special interest in visiting EcoTechnoPark for a visual acquaintance with uST transport.
For reference
As a reminder, UST Inc. is holding the International Public Competition for Graduation Qualification Works (theses). The topics are devoted to the uST technologies. Students of any course, master’s students, graduate students, doctoral students, applicants (with the exception of UST employees) can participate. Acceptance of applications for participation is open until October 1.