Over 20 Mass Media Reported on the Meeting of the General Director of UST Inc. with the Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region
A meeting was held in Arkhangelsk between the head of the region Alexander Tsybulsky and the General Director of UST Inc. Nadezhda Kosareva. They discussed the prospects of uST technology in the Arkhangelsk region. The event got wide coverage in the Russian press.
The construction of a uST string rail overpass to connect the central part of the Pomorie capital with remote island territories is considered a potential project. According to the Governor, the implementation of such a project could be a good social solution to the region's transportation problem. The head of the Arkhangelsk region instructed the specialized departments to study the territories where the project could be implemented.
The meeting of UST Inc.'s representatives with the regional government was covered by more than 20 Russian mass media. Among the largest were Interfax, Argumenty i fakty, DVINANEWS, Ekho Severa, Moskovskiy komsomolets v Arkhangel'ske. In addition, the Pomorie TV channel aired a story about the local authorities' interest in UST Inc.'s product.
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